Make Your Own Natural All-purpose Household Cleaner

When deciding to be "more healthy" many people first try to eat better and exercise. What they don't realize is that a key ingredient to feeling better is to eliminate harmful chemicals that are surrounding them everyday. Just as germs are harmful to our bodies, harsh cleaning chemicals can be just as bad. Mother Nature has given us a great arrangement of tools that we can use to help us live a better life. While we do need to stay clean, we can achieve this by using some more natural alternatives - such as citrus and vinegar.


Try out this Natural All-Purpose Cleaner without the worry of harmful chemicals!


Natural All-Purpose Citrus Cleaner


1 orange or 4 lemons

distilled white vinegar

glass jar with lid



Peel your citrus fruit. Place the citrus peel in the glass jar. Cover the peelings with the vinegar. Let the vinegar and citrus sit for 10 days. Make sure to stir the vinegar every couple of days. After 10 days mix your vinegar with 2 parts water. Discard the citrus peelings. Place the vinegar mixture in a spray bottle for use.

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